1. Mac CPU 부하 테스트
terminal -> yes 입력 후 Enter -> terminal 창에 y가 무한 출력(출력이 보기 싫다면 yes >/dev/null)
terminal을 여러개 켜서 실행하면 금방 CPU팬 소리가 남.
2. Mac RAM 부하 테스트
memtest 패키지 설치 후 진행.
3. Mac 하드디스크 부하 테스트
Blackmagic Disk Speed Test 앱을 설치 후 진행.
출처: www.mactricksandtips.com/2013/05/how-to-stress-test-your-mac-cpu-ram-and-disk.html
How To Stress Test Your Mac – CPU, RAM And Disk | Mac Tricks And Tips
Hey, Stress testing your Mac is a useful way to work out if it is performing to its best and to determine if there are any faults within the various components. Stress testing your Mac is also a useful way to determine if you Mac has a fault if it is using
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